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![]() ![]() Love God, Love People, Love life heartofGod church D10 Dream Teamer usher!! 2/o'03 alvina amanda tan amanda voon amelia audrey beryl cEdaR gUiDeS daryl-ajc dean dexter freddy emmeline gurvin heem mei huiying jamie jiayi jonathan joycelyn kushina mabel marion priska shaomin sharon suhui tracy tzeyin wan ting weiling xavier xianny yolanda
August 2004
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
I was reading The Straits Times today and I chanced upon some articles that make me ponder.
One story is the power of love and it is from forum. I really want to share this story I've read. It touches me to do something. I hope it will happen to people who are reading this. The Straits Times Friday September 1 2006 Forum: Thanks for lesson in unconditional love. "Three weeks ago, I attended church service and my pastor exhorted us to give love until it hurts. After the service, I asked him how to love until it hurts. His reply was to "love and love more." I was not satisfied with his answer until I read the report, "Accident invalid gets $300K in damages" (ST, Aug 30) The accident victim, Ms Norhayati Salleh, who was 24 then, was so severely injured that her family decided to abandon her. In her darkest hour, a kind soul by the name of Salijah Abdul Latef, a housewife, decided to "adopt" her for life. For the last four years, Madam Salijah cooked, fed and bathed her, changed her diapers daily and accompanied her to the doctor every month. She spent about $200 on a stranger, despite having only $700 housekeeping allowance given by her son. After reading the heartwarming story did I realize the meaning of "love until it hurts." Mdam Salijah's parting words were : " As long as my eyes can see, my ears can hear, I will look after her." What selfless love from a simple and poor housewife! I have nothing but admiration for her. Is there a lesson for my fellow Singaporeansin this story? I hope so. Too often we read about disputes pitting children against parents, brothers against brothers or sisters, and neighbour against neighbour. Of this fact I am certain : "You find true joy and happiness in life when you give and give and go on giving and never count the cost" (Quotation from Eileen Caddy’s The Dawn Of Change). Raymond Lo Wan Mou " Okies, I hope I won’t get sued for publishing this. Haha. ;p. I hope it sets people into thinking and change people’s inbuilt jadedness of the world. Everything centres from the word love... Even anger, hatred, pain etc comes from the word love. If you do not love the person, would you feel angry if he or she does something wrong and insists he/she is right? If there is no love, would you feel the pain of losing someone? Why would people always say I HATE myself for losing you? Think. Ponder. Feel.
Okies... it has been ages since I have blogged. In fact, yesterday I feel like blogging how pissed I was. Pissed at some random things like I did not listen in class. Pissed at the idea that I get tired easily. Pissed at the person who blocked my path and that I almost did not get out of the MRT station. Pissed at why I am so imperfect and so untalented. Pissed at things that ALWAYS never go my way and why I could not receive spiritual guidance during my lowest peaks of extreme sadness.
HOWEVER, God always has a reason for doing so and make me realized how childish I was to think of such thoughts. I only realized this when I was reading The Purpose Driven by Rick Warren. I realize the chapter coincides with what I’ve gone through for the day and really make me learn. If I did not go through all these turmoil of emotions, I would not have fully comprehended the text. I realize I have not fully surrendered to God and that I have not fully believed in His plan for me. That is because I am afraid I will lose my rationale, afraid of making a decision as I do not know if I'm hearing His voice or mine. Afraid that the decision will cost me dearly. I AM SO FICKLE-MINDED!! The book wrote that we humans want it all and do it all and if we don't, we respond with envy, jealousy and self-pity. How true. Don't you people who read this agree? The reason for these negative emotions is because we WANT it our way not God's way. Now, it makes sense to me. I'll just keep doing things that don’t make sense such as mugging, trusting in His plan and totally surrendering to Him.=)! Another lesson learnt is that I know why I need to go through all those sufferings. I was so tired at a point of time, wondering why I must go through the cycle of anger, sadness then to happiness over and over again. It makes me so emotionally drained. The book also mentioned that these sufferings are to fulfill Your purpose and glory in my life. Now I understand, and I won’t complain of these sufferings if my suffering can help another person. Giving...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I'm thankful I've made through this difficult period of time.
I'm thankful of those people around me who supports me greatly, my classmates especially. I'm thankful of the opportunity to re-unite friends whom I'm no longer close to and also meeting new friends. Now, I know that what I'm doing is to glorify Him; no longer a chore, an obligation, a façade. "my heart and my soul, I give you control..." I'm thankful I've found the purpose in my life. Fame and titles doesn’t last forever but His glory is for eternal! =)! I want to continue making an impact on people's life just by spreading my laughter.=)! It doesnt mean they don't reciporcate, I've to be mean to them as touching and changing the heart is more essential. As long as heart is touched though face doesn't reveal, it doesn't matter anymore.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I just felt the need to blog after I read anqi's blog. COurse of emotions are running into my head. Let's start with today and maybe a few nights ago? haha...
Yup. An amazing day indeed but it can be both positive and negative. I think it is fate? God's plan?I did not know that how fate can just arrange me to know a girl who is so much like me- in the same exact situation but yet we never really cross each other path till today. of course, if not for a lot of incidents that occur in between. I doubt this will occur. It happens a few nights ago. I was dreaming about her.(ok.i'm not some pervert dreaming of girls.lol. I do not even know why I actually dreamt of her.) But, now i think i know? Today, first thing in the morning went to chat with her. The irony? I chat with her just because we happened to meet when we were going to our classes. It was not an arranged meeting. This conversation led to the next. I do not know why, I do not know how? I'm not even close to her. I do not understand. YET, whatever she said is exactly how i felt. Her advice are good. Not those sweeping statements kind. It is like instantly, I've found a friend in her. It is like 1 day friendship but yet the impact is large. I found someone who really understands me. I do not know how to describe. It is so powerful?(i know it sounds wrong?haha..i shall expand my vocab first.) The irony of everything is that if she had remained in hockey, i would not be that close to her or even an opportunity to interact with her.Just as i've found a friend, i know that our friendship may not last as i feel (this is only a personal stand) that relationship is circumstantial. Don cha think so? I was thinking to join some other CCA with her. But i know this will be the last thing she ever wants me to do.I look at the team now and wonder will i ever find a friend like her that would make me stay in hockey.i hope so.yet, it saddens me that i am unable to build on this friendship. analysing too much?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Have you ever wonder what if you've chosen that path instead of this? The former over the latter? I've been thinking recently, as usual thinking too much. I was thinking:
-what if I've chosen to do SA? -what if I've let gongx goes NJ? -what if I've chosen another CCA? -what if I've chosen to take geo? -what if I've told the guy I like that I like him? Life is such a labyrinth. There is plethora of choices presenting to us each day. Given such a fickle-minded me, I've been thinking the so many ‘what ifs?’ , especially the last question. Sometimes, I'm unsure of the paths I’ve chosen. But, I'll still have faith in Him. =)! Today was a great day though I lost my water bottle again. Firstly, my mom allows me to go library to mug. I know it is not big deal to most people. But to me it is gargantuan. It means my mother actually trusts me. Most importantly, I really concentrate to mug. Actually, the time spent is to complete my uncompleted tutorials. Hehe… Next, I went to watch fireworks with tty and emm. Gongz and ahma were elsewhere. Sadly, I did not get to taste the very nice dessert. Fireworks were not splendid as we were late and blocked. They should deforest the trees. Then, the five of us met up to gossip and play Truth and Dare! I went to talk to an advertisement as part of my Dare. Tty and emm went on to do the flying stunt. I love the girls. Who need friends when I am having them? =)!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I think what coach said is correct. I need to cut down my activities. During these two so called holiday, I did nothing much besides trying to catch up my tutorials just purely staying at home. I get to reflect, recover, rejuvenate and revived for the following days to come. Honestly speaking, I’m still not looking forward to school. But, at least I’m feeling better. I’m trying to make more time for myself and my grandma. My mom is nice these two days, but I hope that she will not turn back her nasty ways once my hectic routine is going to repeat again.
Having to cut down activities means I’ve to go out less which I’m not complaining as this is one of the rarest moments when I just want to be alone at home for relaxation and spending more time with my grandma. It also means I’ve to cut down time spent with tty, gongx, xiany and emm. It is sad but I have no choice. It doesn’t mean that I’m giving our friendships. About hockey. I keep thinking should I quit. Then, I thought I cannot imagine myself doing another CCA. After all, it is only 8 months left. Moreover, I really love the girls. The only reason I come to school, the only reason I go for training is also because of them. It is true that we are not that close yet but I just enjoy being with them. When I was taking NEL, I saw this message across the screen. It goes something like this, “Be a good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures. Rather, think of tomorrow success. You’ve set yourself an onerous task. Persevere it through and you will find the joy of overcoming it. No effort in achieving something beautiful is ever lost.” I LOVE THIS QUOTE!!!! I think it is really beautiful. Don you think so?=)! Heart of God church. I have to thank Tracy for inviting me to her church. Her church ambience is different from the others I went. People like Cherie, Sam Teo, Jiayi, Lynette are so friendly. It is nice to know that people support you in times of need. I’m really thankful and touched for all of what you have done. I’m so thankful of God’s gifts to me.
Friday, August 04, 2006
I really do not know where to start. Maybe I should not even be blogging. I should be doing PW now. Learning to let go of things. Some stuff like PW, responsibilty...
Today is a world record. I broke down five times for no substantial reasons if you ask me. Things just escalates. I've to say this it feels good after crying. I just enjoy being alone. I think it is super embarrassing to cry so badly. Can't help it. Just letting it drop is better than people advising me not to be sad. I wish people see me more as a friend than "obligator". If you feel bad about me being lonely though you do not wish to hang out with me. It is ok you know...I rather you do not hang out with me. This is so as I do not wish I cause any hurt just like someone else has done to me. Can't you see you are my source of misery too? I wonder why do I wait for people who doesnt even wait for me? You think I really like to sit in a group to be isolated? It is always odd number no matter where I go. I tried to engagae with the conversation and this girl from the clique just told me off by saying, "Can you don't sit so near?" (For your info, the girl is from my classand her name starts with a K) Do you know after you said that I never want to sit near you people. I wonder have you though how insensitive you are? I wonder what is the difference between sitting in a group and sitting alone? I wonder what common topics I can share with you(another person)? I am only human with feelings. Who cannot take it when you feel like you do not have a family and friends? I know my class has many nice people who care about me. I know many will say, "I'm your friend what..." Really?Since when? How come I don't even know? You all are just acquaintances. ( I do not bear any ill-feelings towards anyone just merely stating some facts) I know my friends. I can even count them. Family situation aint any better except no matter what I still love my grandma! People ask," Are you ok?" I really do not know. I think 'No' will be a great answer. People tell me to turn to God. He is the only reason keeping my mind sane. He is the reason I'm still alive. I did. Terence said that the jerlyn i know is always laughing? oh really? when was the last time I laughed? Why can't I choose to be sad? Do you know I was ok until you come over and tried to advise me? You just make me more sad. You probably are angry with the fact that I refuse to listen to you. But, I did not mind being myself. At least I'm representing myself. It is so tiring to put on a facade every single day. Probably you do not know that I've been crying consecutively everyday at home. I think I own people an explaination. So here it is. A lot of people will probably ask me again, " Am i Ok?" I really fine. Just thought that since I own ab explaination, I may as well write what I had truly felt. I don like ppl...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Yesterday was a bad day. This is all I can sum up.
However, just like any story, there is a twist. Cherie and Jiayi message on the same day out of the blue and they really brightens up my day! Thank you once again, my dear friends!=0)! Sometimes, all it takes is just a small msg, a simple smile or simply just wait for people who are slow like me and it can really colour up one's day. I went tuition and Pinyu cracks me up till my stomach still suffer from severe cramps. This week going to be a real busy week. Hope it'll not affect my studies. Yesterday, I read a quote from Sandy Lam. It goes something like if you keep holding on to something, you might not have the happy ending you desired. How true it is. I'm so tired of... (some friendships if you ask me) How true it is when people said what you treat others will be recipocate to you. I'm happy that today I manage to block out SOME negative thoughts( hey! it is an achievement for me) Marian suggests I should see doctor with her. I think so too. It'll be nice if everyone is like what Ms Kong said just mentioned during chem tutorial that each and every of the classmate takes turn to concern on someone's welfare. Come to think of it, I've been too self-absorbed with battling my own wars that I neglect people. Uniting a discord class seem an uphill task. |