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August 2004
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Sunday, September 07, 2008
Hi guys! I have been quite busy to update on blogs nowadays. Haha.
Life rocks as usual and I've been thinking a lot recently. Here are some of my thoughts (and it was in the middle of my Econs lect) Why are people so afraid of failures? I mean to think about it we have about 70 years of our lives so what if we fail? 70 years of our lives there sure be events happening and more than often we actually have more than enough time to fail and try again Take failing A's for eg we can just take it for another year right? The reason we are afraid of failures is because most people have this mentality once they fail (says the As for eg) then they will just keep on failing in lives. (fail in As-->fail in career-->fail in finding gd spouse-->fail in family-->fail in life) But, I am not not afraid of failing I am afraid of not being faithful. Cuz sometimes, I know there will be failures despite trying all your best, with all your heart and soul yet man can still fail. Like for instance A's exams again We can do all things on the earth(TYS,extra consultations w teachers,tuitions and more TYS and TYS) just to do well for A's yet we might not do well for A's. (btw, my fear of failures was referred to the fear of failures despite hard work because if failure without hardwork,then it is no one's fault except yours.) But, I know once you faithful to the smallest things in life you will be successful. most of the time man keep failing not because they failed one major exams but because they failed to be faithful (for eg the faithfulness to cont believing you can do well in As the next time you tried it and the faithfulness to keep trying your TYS and TYS and more TYS.) Talking about failures & success. I was thinking randomly it would be so scary if I got kicked out of University I would just lose my whole purpose/meaning in life. But Pastor brought up a very good point. Man always gets confused with purpose in life and success. For e.g, my purpose in life is to be a doctor and and go to Third World C'try and heal all the sick and poor so does it mean one day i retire as a doctor, i have lost my purpose in life? So many people are just tired of this Singaporean rat race but the irony is that they never want to stop and find their purpose. Success, Failure, Purpose They just keep swimming in my head. It is quite freaky to think I probably will live up till say 2050? 20 years of my lives are nearly gone have i achieved anything worthy? at least I know I have found it To glorify the One who gave all for me.