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![]() ![]() Love God, Love People, Love life heartofGod church D10 Dream Teamer usher!! 2/o'03 alvina amanda tan amanda voon amelia audrey beryl cEdaR gUiDeS daryl-ajc dean dexter freddy emmeline gurvin heem mei huiying jamie jiayi jonathan joycelyn kushina mabel marion priska shaomin sharon suhui tracy tzeyin wan ting weiling xavier xianny yolanda
August 2004
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
oh dear! i realise i've neglect my tagboard
(okies i din really just realise it just that i realise i've an increase of viewers) so anyway, YO CHUIFAN!! =) goodness i rly wish i can see ur face soon.haha! hey emm my porn friend-i mean like come on look at ur tag for me! haiyo my blog suppose to be holy 1 u noe.HAHA.kiddin girl.=P i still love u loads bestie!=) helllooss my grandchild!!=DD hey thanks andy!but not as original as urs.i think urs nicer cuz u make urself de.haha hey jamie!i think u're more inspiring!! =)))))))) JIAYI!!!!haha!(i'm so shocked u read my blog! :P) hellos mabellllllllllllllllllllllll!i'm so touched u still tag my dying board.haha!=DDDDDDDDDD to Name! i've got this feeling i know who you are and yet i dunoe who you are.haha! and truly you have made me pondered for many days like why do i spend so much time in church and many people also wondered why not use this time to help the poor and sick of society instead of just crowding every weekend to have "fun"? well i know in the end at the end of the day i am still contributing my part to society to save that girl from committing suicide (because i was saved-literally from committing suicide) to save that guy from future broken marriages. to save the person's father from going to old folks home. to save this society's moral standards going downhill. and to save doesnt mean in the christian context but in literal sense. and i know volunteer work in the world can be a few day stint?a few month stint? or how committed i can remain to the end towards a certain organisation to give meaning to this society? honestly, i cant and unable to commit to an organisation for long to have an impact on let say this old folks home or that orphanage. and i've gone to old folks home for CIP as part of school trips and when i saw the old folks, i felt so bad and sad. they have seen their fair share of volunteers. and yet they do not feel anything permanent impact from them. (yes i know some do but i do not think i'm ready to live my whole live just being a volunteer only) in fact, i felt and i still remember most of my groupmates felt the same the old folks were entertaining us instead. and i felt so burdened and so cruel (because we are doing for the sake of CIP and not we really wanted to help them as 1st priority) but i know that what i'm doing now have even more everlasting impact. i'm saving someone from committing suicide. i'm saving someone from going into that old folks home that i've seen and i'm saving someone from all the emotional pain should the person really sent to the home. Psalm 110:3 Your people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness,from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. and yea i "volunteer" myself in church knowing this going to have a more everlasting impact. i'm not relieving the pain of someone or to make my life more meaningful or just by contributing to the society. i'm building someone's life someone's family someone's eternity. As much as there's probably one organisation you can commit yourself to volunteer to give back to society because of the limited resources-time etc. There is also only one vision i can commit myself too. and i believe with all my heart and soul there is really nothing but the power of God to change people life and to change society. and no not even church or the church feel can help me to change people lives-to give people a meaning.=) =).thats abt it!i respect ur stance and hopefully you do not take offend at my stance! and even if the person did not come back and read it i know and i thank God for strengthenin my faith once again.=) |