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Friday, January 20, 2006
birthday surprises!!

ok.let me do a 24-hr recount of my bday.i'm like the happiest girl in the world.ok maybe not the world.but yar.everything was a far cry from my 16th bday.i learnt that from simple things it can yet derived great pleasures n that great expectations led to great depressions.oh well.nice quotes right?ahaha.well it started @ 11++pm on 19 jan.me n gong talked @ length.tok till like 1am in the morning.its has been such a long time since we did that n had so much topics.then some of my og members sent me happy bday msges.@ the end of today i've received 10 msges.n i'm like nvm that happy in my life cuZ last i @ most only receive 1 lor.ahha.yar.then i woke up.go to sch.n 1st period in the morning.my class got me a bday cake.i was shocked beyond words la.cuZ its like no1 hv ever done that for me in surprise b4.n i really mean NEVER.i was so touched!!!!thanks 21/06 for everything!!!!n the card is so sweeeeet.oh man.i love u guys.u guys make my life in aj worthwhile!!!i don noe how to describe it.it was awesome man!!!fantastic fabulous!!!!!!n there's yanting for publicizing my bday!!!ahhaha.thks for doing that!!!n there's the ppl who encourages me to go for hockey.i've so much fun in there too!!!then i meet cia n xiany to celebrate.we ate @ seoul garden which i think the service not very gd cuZ we sounded rude?!oh well anyway we had so much fun toking!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!n we eat till so late till i reached home @ 11.30pm.n oh we took neoprints but the machines really sucky!n i LOoOOVeSSsssssssss cia n xiany pressie for me n i felt so horrible.i really felt very bad la.its like the 1st time i din care abt getting gifts for her.sad.n cia sort of like shave her head.make her look like her bro.which is not very gd cuZ she look so boy.gosh.its scary.but i think cia changes even more.but i like her attitude cuZ she doesnt care wad ppl think of her.she's like gg againt society but moving towards herself.for most of the youths in s'pore.its definitely not the case.n that ends my super nicest bday i ever had.thank u guys form those sending me msges to xiany n cia.thanks for making me feel happy.for marking this day as my most memorable 1.thk u guys!!!!!!!i love u n every1 of u!!!